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November 1, 2010
Finance & Advisory Board Meeting
Georgetown, MA
November 1, 2010

The meeting came to order at 7:04 P.M. with the following persons present:
Members:        Sandy Gerraughty – chair, Robin O’Malley – clerk, John Bonazoli, Lisa Collin, Chuck Dickson, Jim Lacey
Absent:         Marybeth Foster, Reggie Tardif, Andrew Belliveau – vice chair
Guests:         Terry Wiggin, Ellie Sinkewicz, Phil Trapani, Mike Farrell, Michelle Smith

Minutes taken by Robin O’Malley
  • Town Warrant for 11/15/10
  • Estimated Debt Service - multiple options
  • Minutes from October 20, 2010 meeting
Update from Town Administrator: Mike reviewed the different options for financing the school feasibility study.  The $720,000 is a very good number.  The School Building Committee used the MSBA calculation and also compared Georgetown to other towns going through this process.  After the study is complete the School Building Committee will get general information on all the options, after a decision is made on which way to proceed then they will get very detailed information.  The decisions are made jointly by the School Building Committee and the MSBA.

Motion:  Jim Lacey made a motion to accept the recommendation from the finance director for the funding mechanism for Article 1 – School Feasibility Study.  John Bonazoli seconded.  Motion carries 6-0.

Motion:  Jim Lacey made a motion to recommend approval of Article 1 – School Feasibility Study as printed in the warrant.  John Bonazoli seconded.  Motion carries 6-0.

Motion:  Jim Lacey made a motion to recommend approval of Article 2 – Village Lane as printed in the warrant.  Chuck Dickson seconded.  Motion carries 6-0.

Mike reminded us that the Finance and Advisory Board still needs to appoint 1 member to the CIP (Capital Improvement Planning Coimmittee).

Jim Lacey made a motion to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by John Bonazoli and passed with a vote of 6-0.  Meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m.

Next Meeting: Monday, November 15, 2010, 6:00 pm at the GMHS Teachers Room.  Our November 17th meeting will be cancelled.